Thursday, October 30, 2008

McFlipflop on Obama's Tax Policy

One more instance of what a hypocritical motherfucker this guy really is. Okay, maybe it's the onset of dementia and the old coot can't remember that his stance in 2000 was an awful lot like Obama's is now. But never mind the truth. When Sarah the Impaler started spewing her filthy lies in rallies, inspiring white trash boners that McViagra can only fantasize about inspiring with his meandering platitudes and reminders of his maverickiness, I guess ambition overrode the last shred of judgment the geezer had left in him.

Spread the word. We have 6 days to go.

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Final Tina Fey Skit as Palin on SNL

The VP Debate moderated by the fabulous Queen Latifah

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Maybe Kathleen Parker was right about Why McCain Chose Sarah

Something About Sarah
By Kathleen Parker
Friday, October 24, 2008; Page A19

My husband called it first. Then, a brilliant 75-year-old scholar and raconteur confessed to me over wine: "I'm sexually attracted to her. I don't care that she knows nothing."

Finally, writer Robert Draper closed the file on the Sarah Palin mystery with a devastating article in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine: "The Making (and Remaking) of McCain."

McCain didn't know her. He didn't vet her. His campaign team had barely an impression. In a bar one night, Draper asked one of McCain's senior advisers: "Leaving aside her actual experience, do you know how informed Governor Palin is about the issues of the day?"

The adviser thought a moment and replied: "No, I don't know."

Read the whole article on the Washington Post.

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Buns of Leadership

Do I seem obsessed? Well, golly gee darnit (wink wink), the fate of the American nation, nay, the fate of the world, hangs on the outcome of this election, and yet the will of the people may well be subverted by the well-oiled machine of disenfranchisement and stolen elections--the Repugnican Party and it's henchmen. But scarier still is what the bizarre popularity of Sarah Palin among certain circles says about us (or those of us, at least, who are so stoked about her). Sometimes we get what we ask for...and there are some among us, who want (bad) those meatloafy Buns o' Leadership!

Greatest Hits of Sarah Palin brought to you by

The Sarah Palin Rap: Club a Baby Seal ...

More much needed levity as Heather Anne Campbell raps as Governor Sarah Palin about her qualifications for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America


Adorable Anti-Palin Song (with subtitle lyrics)

Check out this goofy song about Sarah Palin's woeful inadequacy to be VP or hold any public office for that matter. Hey Sarah Palin

MC Howie goes political with Julie K in this oh-my-god-how-hilarious song, to the tune of "Hey There Delilah".

Hey Sarah Palin, do you tell them in Wasilla
That 4,000 years ago we roamed the planet with Godzilla
Is it true
I am so fucking scared of you
As number 2

Hey Sarah Palin, I think Alaska's very pretty
But just 100,000 people more than Oklahoma City
Yes it's true
Go look it up, Im telling you
Oh man, were through

Oh, if you become VP, oh, its Canada for me (2x)
Its Canada for me

Hey Sarah Palin, did you really once inquire
Whether you could throw library books into a big bonfire
God, my eyes
This really might be our demise
This pack of lies

Hey Sarah Palin, just because you're good at shootin
Doesn't mean you have the ammo to negotiate with Putin
Are you on coke
This fucking countrys up in smoke
Oh what a joke

Oh, if you become VP, oh what will it mean for me (2x)

Just because I can see the moon
Doesn't make me an astronaut, you loon
Your foreign policy expertise is pooh
Do you really think a woman commits
To a candidate just because she has tits
Please tell me that this ticket is not true
I thought that there could be no worse
Than Cheney, but here you are, I curse
The madman who would cast a vote for you
And McCain too

Hey Sarah Palin, is it media distortion
Or would you tell a girl who's raped that she could not have an abortion
Its a new low
Who knows just how far you would go
Id rather vote for Ross Perot
Hey Sarah Palin I dont know
Where can we go

Category: Comedy
political parody spoof hey there delilah plain white t's sarah palin john mccain campaign vice president barack obama liberal democrat skit sketch


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joe the Plumber--An Unvetted Example of McFlailin's bad judgment or a Repugnican Plant?

Apparently, average Joe-the-plumber needed to be vetted before being brandished as the Repugnicans' latest icon. Class warefare, indeed! If he had any, it would be a nice start. But the incessant lying and intentional misrepresentations are certainly a genuine affinity with the McDementia and Brownshirt Barbie campaign, even if Joe's inability to grasp that he would actually benefit under Obama's tax plan and NOT under McFlailin's is a class example of the "false consciousness"that's made so many under-educated Americans vote Right when their material interests are so clearly aligned with the platform of the Left.

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Stop Ridiculous Smears Against ACORN-- Get the Facts

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of low and moderate income families working together for social justice and stronger communities. The fact that they self-reported some phony registrations by Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys et al, is now being absurdly portrayed as an intentional fraud designed to steal the election and undermine the fabric of democracy. No mind that, um, nobody's going to actually LET Mickey Mouse vote, should he so brazenly come to the polls, and that there is a huge distinction between voter REGISTRATION and actually VOTING.

Meanwhile, this bullshit subterfuge is being used to preempt McCain's refusal to accept (Dubya-supreme-court-string-pullin'-style) is impending defeat once it happens, and to divert attention from ACTUAL election fraud being actively and vigorously perpetrated by the Repugnicans, AGAIN, just as they did with great success in 2000 and 2004.

"ACORN recently worked to stop Republican voter suppression tactics in New Mexico and Michigan.

ACORN debunked New Mexico Republican Party claim that fraudulent voters - some of whom registered with ACORN - participated in the June 2008 Democratic primary. ACORN contacted the voters the Republican party mentioned during a press conference and confirmed their legitimacy through the Bernalillo County Clerk. All are first-time voters - three 18 and 19-year-olds and a new citizen. ACORN presented its findings at a press conference Oct. 18 in New Mexico. "This is un-American," said Celestina Balderas, an ACORN leader. READ ON and get the facts about ACORN--and the latest bullshit smear tactic by McPalin and double check that the Repugnicans haven't purged your voter registration based on a's happening all over.

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Bravo to Chris Buckley

Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama

by Christopher Buckley

"The son of William F. Buckley has decided—shock!—to vote for a Democrat.

Let me be the latest conservative/libertarian/whatever to leap onto the Barack Obama bandwagon. It’s a good thing my dear old mum and pup are no longer alive. They’d cut off my allowance.

Or would they? But let’s get that part out of the way. The only reason my vote would be of any interest to anyone is that my last name happens to be Buckley—a name I inherited. So in the event anyone notices or cares, the headline will be: “William F. Buckley’s Son Says He Is Pro-Obama.” I know, I know: It lacks the throw-weight of “Ron Reagan Jr. to Address Democratic Convention,” but it’ll have to do.

I am—drum roll, please, cue trumpets—making this announcement in the cyberpages of The Daily Beast (what joy to be writing for a publication so named!) rather than in the pages of National Review, where I write the back-page column. For a reason: My colleague, the superb and very dishy Kathleen Parker, recently wrote in National Review Online a column stating what John Cleese as Basil Fawlty would call “the bleeding obvious”: namely, that Sarah Palin is an embarrassment, and a dangerous one at that. She’s not exactly alone. New York Times columnist David Brooks, who began his career at NR, just called Governor Palin “a cancer on the Republican Party.”

As for Kathleen, she has to date received 12,000 (quite literally) foam-at-the-mouth hate-emails. One correspondent, if that’s quite the right word, suggested that Kathleen’s mother should have aborted her and tossed the fetus into a Dumpster. There’s Socratic dialogue for you. Dear Pup once said to me sighfully after a right-winger who fancied himself a WFB protégé had said something transcendently and provocatively cretinous, “You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks.” Well, the dear man did his best. At any rate, I don’t have the kidney at the moment for 12,000 emails saying how good it is he’s no longer alive to see his Judas of a son endorse for the presidency a covert Muslim who pals around with the Weather Underground. So, you’re reading it here first.

As to the particulars, assuming anyone gives a fig, here goes:[THESE ARE GOOD SO PLEASE READ ON....]

Read the whole article here on

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Sarah Palin as Brown-Shirt Betty Boop?

Andrew Sullivan on "Palin vs Feminism"

One day, Camille Paglia will, I think, be embarrassed by this. What I think has happened to some otherwise very brilliant and perceptive people is that they have become so hostile to "liberal pundits" or "Hollywood liberals", that their reactions are really reactions not to Palin herself but to those criticizing her and the selection of her. These people are anti-anti-Palin and if forced to be pro-Palin, they'd have a very hard time explaining it. Actually, Camille is pro-Obama, so she doesn't have to go that far. But just because liberals are annoying and Hollywood liberals make you want to vomit doesn't mean Palin is qualified to be vice-president. Look: Tim Robbins is about the only person who could make me support McCain. But I'm not stupid enough to let my loathing of idiotic Hollywood liberals affect my judgment of this farce of a veep candidate.

I don't think Palin is dumb; she is just proudly ignorant, a cynical opportunist and a pathological liar. "

Read the whole article on The Atlantic

I agree with Andrew. Camille Paglia is not stupid. She is an intelligent, well-read woman with a bizarre set of fetishes and an over valourized sense of herself as this 'kid-gloves off', 'no-holds barred' sort of iconoclastic 'feminist' who can take the 'man's world' by the balls with pride. Unfortunately, her rebellion if often at the expense of ... Read Moreintellectual consistency and the rebel feminist image she tries so desperately to create for herself is almost as full of bullshit as Sarah Palin herself, the only difference is that Ms. Paglia is far more intelligent, even if deeply confused.

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How Low Will McFlailin' Stoop

The (So-Called) Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama

Published: October 11, 2008
The New York Times

"IF you think way back to the start of this marathon campaign, back when it seemed preposterous that any black man could be a serious presidential contender, then you remember the biggest fear about Barack Obama: a crazy person might take a shot at him.
Many of us who had looked to John McCain to restore some semblance of sensible conservatism to the Republican Party have been dismayed and disappointed...

Some voters told reporters that they didn’t want Obama to run, let alone win, should his very presence unleash the demons who have stalked America from Lincoln to King. After consultation with Congress, Michael Chertoff, the homeland security secretary, gave Obama a Secret Service detail earlier than any presidential candidate in our history — in May 2007, some eight months before the first Democratic primaries.

“I’ve got the best protection in the world, so stop worrying,” Obama reassured his supporters. Eventually the country got conditioned to his appearing in large arenas without incident (though I confess that the first loud burst of fireworks at the end of his convention stadium speech gave me a start). In America, nothing does succeed like success. The fear receded.

Until now. At McCain-Palin rallies, the raucous and insistent cries of “Treason!” and “Terrorist!” and “Kill him!” and “Off with his head!” as well as the uninhibited slinging of racial epithets, are actually something new in a campaign that has seen almost every conceivable twist. They are alarms. Doing nothing is not an option.

All’s fair in politics. John McCain and Sarah Palin have every right to bring up William Ayers, even if his connection to Obama is minor, even if Ayers’s Weather Underground history dates back to Obama’s childhood, even if establishment Republicans and Democrats alike have collaborated with the present-day Ayers in educational reform. But it’s not just the old Joe McCarthyesque guilt-by-association game, however spurious, that’s going on here. Don’t for an instant believe the many mindlessly “even-handed” journalists who keep saying that the McCain campaign’s use of Ayers is the moral or political equivalent of the Obama campaign’s hammering on Charles Keating.

What makes them different, and what has pumped up the Weimar-like rage at McCain-Palin rallies, is the violent escalation in rhetoric, especially (though not exclusively) by Palin. Obama “launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist.” He is “palling around with terrorists” (note the plural noun). Obama is “not a man who sees America the way you and I see America.” Wielding a wildly out-of-context Obama quote, Palin slurs him as an enemy of American troops.

By the time McCain asks the crowd “Who is the real Barack Obama?” it’s no surprise that someone cries out “Terrorist!” The rhetorical conflation of Obama with terrorism is complete. It is stoked further by the repeated invocation of Obama’s middle name by surrogates introducing McCain and Palin at these rallies. This sleight of hand at once synchronizes with the poisonous Obama-is-a-Muslim e-mail blasts and shifts the brand of terrorism from Ayers’s Vietnam-era variety to the radical Islamic threats of today.

That’s a far cry from simply accusing Obama of being a guilty-by-association radical leftist. Obama is being branded as a potential killer and an accessory to past attempts at murder. “Barack Obama’s friend tried to kill my family” was how a McCain press release last week packaged the remembrance of a Weather Underground incident from 1970 — when Obama was 8.

We all know what punishment fits the crime of murder, or even potential murder, if the security of post-9/11 America is at stake. We all know how self-appointed “patriotic” martyrs always justify taking the law into their own hands.

Obama can hardly be held accountable for Ayers’s behavior 40 years ago, but at least McCain and Palin can try to take some responsibility for the behavior of their own supporters in 2008. What’s troubling here is not only the candidates’ loose inflammatory talk but also their refusal to step in promptly and strongly when someone responds to it with bloodthirsty threats in a crowded arena. Joe Biden had it exactly right when he expressed concern last week that “a leading American politician who might be vice president of the United States would not just stop midsentence and turn and condemn that.” To stay silent is to pour gas on the fires.

It wasn’t always thus with McCain. In February he loudly disassociated himself from a speaker who brayed “Barack Hussein Obama” when introducing him at a rally in Ohio. Now McCain either backpedals with tardy, pro forma expressions of respect for his opponent or lets second-tier campaign underlings release boilerplate disavowals after ugly incidents like the chilling Jim Crow-era flashback last week when a Florida sheriff ranted about “Barack Hussein Obama” at a Palin rally while in full uniform.

From the start, there have always been two separate but equal questions about race in this election. Is there still enough racism in America to prevent a black man from being elected president no matter what? And, will Republicans play the race card? The jury is out on the first question until Nov. 4. But we now have the unambiguous answer to the second: Yes."

Please read the whole article here

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Fighting Back Against the "Separate But (not really) Equal" Battle of Our Time: Gay Marriage Rights

Gay Marriage Is Ruled Legal in Connecticut

Published: October 10, 2008

"A sharply divided Connecticut Supreme Court struck down the state’s civil union law on Friday and ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Connecticut thus joins Massachusetts and California as the only states to have legalized gay marriages.

The ruling, which cannot be appealed and is to take effect on Oct. 28, held that a state law limiting marriage to heterosexual couples, and a civil union law intended to provide all the rights and privileges of marriage to same-sex couples, violated the constitutional guarantees of equal protection under the law.

Striking at the heart of discriminatory traditions in America, the court — in language that often rose above the legal landscape into realms of social justice for a new century — recalled that laws in the not-so-distant past barred interracial marriages, excluded women from occupations and official duties, and relegated blacks to separate but supposedly equal public facilities."


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Meretricious Maverick

Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty


"At Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation's capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. It's the spring of 1974, and Navy commander John Sidney McCain III has returned home from the experience in Hanoi that, according to legend, transformed him from a callow and reckless youth into a serious man of patriotism and purpose. Walking along the grounds at Fort McNair, McCain runs into John Dramesi, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who was also imprisoned and tortured in Vietnam.

McCain is studying at the National War College, a prestigious graduate program he had to pull strings with the Secretary of the Navy to get into. Dramesi is enrolled, on his own merit, at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in the building next door.

There's a distance between the two men that belies their shared experience in North Vietnam — call it an honor gap. Like many American POWs, McCain broke down under torture and offered a "confession" to his North Vietnamese captors. Dramesi, in contrast, attempted two daring escapes. For the second he was brutalized for a month with daily torture sessions that nearly killed him. His partner in the escape, Lt. Col. Ed Atterberry, didn't survive the mistreatment. But Dramesi never said a disloyal word, and for his heroism was awarded two Air Force Crosses, one of the service's highest distinctions. McCain would later hail him as "one of the toughest guys I've ever met."

On the grounds between the two brick colleges, the chitchat between the scion of four-star admirals and the son of a prizefighter turns to their academic travels; both colleges sponsor a trip abroad for young officers to network with military and political leaders in a distant corner of the globe.

"I'm going to the Middle East," Dramesi says. "Turkey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran."

"Why are you going to the Middle East?" McCain asks, dismissively.

"It's a place we're probably going to have some problems," Dramesi says.

"Why? Where are you going to, John?"

"Oh, I'm going to Rio."

"What the hell are you going to Rio for?"

McCain, a married father of three, shrugs.

"I got a better chance of getting laid."

Dramesi, who went on to serve as chief war planner for U.S. Air Forces in Europe and commander of a wing of the Strategic Air Command, was not surprised. "McCain says his life changed while he was in Vietnam, and he is now a different man," Dramesi says today. "But he's still the undisciplined, spoiled brat that he was when he went in."


This is the story of the real John McCain, the one who has been hiding in plain sight. It is the story of a man who has consistently put his own advancement above all else, a man willing to say and do anything to achieve his ultimate ambition: to become commander in chief, ascending to the one position that would finally enable him to outrank his four-star father and grandfather.

In its broad strokes, McCain's life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush bot represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege against which they rebelled into mediocrity. Both developed an uncanny social intelligence that allowed them to skate by with a minimum of mental exertion. Both struggled with booze and loutish behavior. At each step, with the aid of their fathers' powerful friends, both failed upward. And both shed their skins as Episcopalian members of the Washington elite to build political careers as self-styled, ranch-inhabiting Westerners who pray to Jesus in their wives' evangelical churches.

In one vital respect, however, the comparison is deeply unfair to the current president: George W. Bush was a much better pilot."


The Poetry of Sarah Palin

The Poetry of Sarah Palin

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 11:35am
The Poetry of Sarah Palin

Recent works by the Republican vice presidential candidate.
By Hart Seely [Slate]
Posted Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008, at 1:25 PM ET

It's been barely six weeks since the arctic-fresh voice of Alaskan
poet Sarah Heath Palin burst upon the lower 48. In campaign
interviews, the governor, mother, and maverick GOP vice presidential
candidate has chosen to bypass the media filter and speak directly to
fans through her intensely personal verses, spoken poems that drill
into the vagaries of modern life as if they were oil deposits ben!
eath a government-protected tundra.

Thursday's nationally televised debate with Democrat Joe Biden could
give Palin the chance to cement her reputation as one of the country's
most innovative practitioners of what she calls "verbiage."

The poems collected here were compiled verbatim from only three brief
interviews. So just imagine the work Sarah Palin could produce over
the next four (or eight) years.

"On Good and Evil"

It is obvious to me
Who the good guys are in this one
And who the bad guys are.
The bad guys are the ones
Who say Israel is a stinking corpse,
And should be wiped off
The face of the earth.

That's not a good guy.

(To K. Couric, CBS News, Sept. 25, 2008)

"You Can't Blink"

You can't blink.
You have to be wired
In a way of being
So committed to the mission,

The mission that we're on,
Reform of this country,
And victory in the war,
You can't blink.

So I didn't blink.

(To C. Gibson, ABC News, Sept. 11, 2008)


These corporations.
Today it was AIG,
Important call, there.

(To S. Hannity, Fox News, Sept. 18, 2008)

"Befoulers of the Verbiage"

It was an unfair attack on the verbiage
That Senator McCain chose to use,
Because the fundamentals,
As he was having to explain afterwards,
He means our workforce.
He means the ingenuity of the American.
And of course that is strong,
And that is the foundation of our economy.
So that was an unfair attack there,
Again based on verbiage.

(To S. Hannity, Fox News, Sept. 18, 2008)

"Secret Conversation"

I asked President Karzai:

"Is that what you are seeking, also?
"That strategy that has worked in Iraq?
"That John McCain had pushed for?
"More troops?
"A counterinsurgency strategy?"

And he said, "Yes."

(To K. Couric, CBS News, Sept. 25, 2008)


I am a Washington outsider.
I mean,
Look at where you are.
I'm a Washington outsider.

I do not have those allegiances
To the power brokers,
To the lobbyists.
We need someone like that.

(To C. Gibson, ABC News, Sept. 11, 2008)

"On the Bailout"

What the bailout does
Is help those who are concerned
About the health care reform
That is needed
To help shore up our economy,
Helping the—
It's got to be all about job creation, too.

Shoring up our economy
And putting it back on the right track.
So health care reform
And reducing taxes
And reining in spending
Has got to accompany tax reductions
And tax relief for Americans.
And trade.

We've got to see trade
As opportunity
Not as a competitive, scary thing.
But one in five jobs
Being created in the trade sector today,
We've got to look at that
As more opportunity.
All those things.

(To K. Couric, CBS News, Sept. 25, 2008)

"Challenge to a Cynic"

You are a cynic.
Because show me where
I have ever said
That there's absolute proof
That nothing that man
Has ever conducted
Or engaged in,
Has had any effect,
Or no effect,
On climate change.

(To C. Gibson, ABC News, Sept. 11, 2008)

"On Reporters"

It's funny that
A comment like that
Was kinda made to,
I don't know,
You know ...


(To K. Couric, CBS News, Sept. 25, 2008)

"Small Mayors"

You know,
Small mayors,
Mayors of small towns—
Quote, unquote—
They're on the front lines.

(To S. Hannity, Fox News, Sept. 19, 2008)

Hart Seely is the author of Mrs. Goose Goes to Washington: Nursery
Rhymes for the Political Barnyard.

Article URL:

Copyright 2008 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC

Palin Is Ready? Please.

Palin Is Ready? Please.

by Fareed Zakaria

"McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case, that is simply not true."
Published Sep 27, 2008
From the magazine issue dated Oct 6, 2008

Tasty tidbits of damnation from Zakaria:

"Will someone please put Sarah Palin out of her agony? Is it too much to ask that she come to realize that she wants, in that wonderful phrase in American politics, "to spend more time with her family"? Having stayed in purdah for weeks, she finally agreed to a third interview. CBS's Katie Couric questioned her in her trademark sympathetic style. It didn't help. When asked how living in the state closest to Russia gave her foreign-policy experience, Palin responded thus:

"It's very important when you consider even national-security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America. Where—where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to—to our state."

There is, of course, the sheer absurdity of the premise. Two weeks ago I flew to Tokyo, crossing over the North Pole. Does that make me an expert on Santa Claus? (Thanks, Jon Stewart.) But even beyond that, read the rest of her response. "It is from Alaska that we send out those …" What does this mean? This is not an isolated example. Palin has been given a set of talking points by campaign advisers, simple ideological mantras that she repeats and repeats as long as she can. ("We mustn't blink.") But if forced off those rehearsed lines, what she has to say is often, quite frankly, gibberish."


He makes short work of calling her incoherent ramblings about the bailout what they were--"nonsense—a vapid emptying out of every catchphrase about economics that came into her head. Some commentators, like CNN's Campbell Brown, have argued that it's sexist to keep Sarah Palin under wraps, as if she were a delicate flower who might wilt under the bright lights of the modern media. But the more Palin talks, the more we see that it may not be sexism but common sense that's causing the McCain campaign to treat her like a time bomb.

Can we now admit the obvious? Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president."


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Palin is a Problem: Thinking Conservatives as Conscientious Objectors

When even right wing commentators are begging Sarah Palin to bow out, we must admit the depth of the disaster that her inauguration into national public office would represent. Bravo to thinking people from across the political spectrum. And shame on the kneejerk love-it-or-leave-it reactionaries who have been slamming her for speaking the truth.

Palin Problem
She’s out of her league.

By Kathleen Parker
September 26, 2008 12:00 AM

If at one time women were considered heretical for swimming upstream against feminist orthodoxy, they now face condemnation for swimming downstream — away from Sarah Palin.

To express reservations about her qualifications to be vice president — and possibly president — is to risk being labeled anti-woman.

Or, as I am guilty of charging her early critics, supporting only a certain kind of woman.

Some of the passionately feminist critics of Palin who attacked her personally deserved some of the backlash they received. But circumstances have changed since Palin was introduced as just a hockey mom with lipstick — what a difference a financial crisis makes — and a more complicated picture has emerged.

As we’ve seen and heard more from John McCain’s running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem. Quick study or not, she doesn’t know enough about economics and foreign policy to make Americans comfortable with a President Palin should conditions warrant her promotion.

Yes, she recently met and turned several heads of state as the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York. She was gracious, charming and disarming. Men swooned. Pakistan’s president wanted to hug her. (Perhaps Osama bin Laden is dying to meet her?)

And, yes, she has common sense, something we value. And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively).

Finally, Palin’s narrative is fun, inspiring and all-American in that frontier way we seem to admire. When Palin first emerged as John McCain’s running mate, I confess I was delighted. She was the antithesis and nemesis of the hirsute, Birkenstock-wearing sisterhood — a refreshing feminist of a different order who personified the modern successful working mother.

Palin didn’t make a mess cracking the glass ceiling. She simply glided through it.

It was fun while it lasted.

Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”

When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.

If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What to do?

McCain can’t repudiate his choice for running mate. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP’s unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. Barack Obama faces the same problem with Biden.

Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.

Read the article in Full in the The National Review

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Watch Palin Impale herself in interviews with Katie Couric

Palin on the Bush Doctrine and other Lacunae

Familiar fodder for fear by now, but for anyone in doubt of Caribou Barbie's ignorance about foreign policy and inability to think on her feet, read or watch Charlie Gibson's interview. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise thinking of her with the "Nuculer" codes. *shiver*

Please read this interview in full or watch it on youtube. It is imperative that this incompetent, meretricious subgamma moron pit bull with lipstick is kept out of national office. The world would be in grave danger should that happen. Now please register to vote if you are an American and have not yet. And don't forget to "blink!

EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin
Republican VP Candidate Speaks with ABC News' Charlie Gibson in Exclusive Interview

Sarah Palin on 'the Bush Doctrine':

GIBSON: We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us?

PALIN: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where we're able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in us, because we're a democratic, we are a free, and we are a free-thinking society.

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?

read the whole interview here

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McCain Rape Joke Defended as "Authentic McCain just being himself"

McCain's rape joke,
caught on film, is defended by his campaign as an instance of his "mavericky" personality and him just "being McCain."


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McCain's version of "Lipstick on a Pig" in reference to Hillary (prior to Obama's use of the term)

Better late than never. The beginning of a few telling posts about our current state of disunion and the disastrous McFlailin' campaign.

Take a peek a Hypocrisy Central in action. Or maybe it's just the onset of Dementia Pugilistica and the poor old man doesn't remember what he said just a few months ago.

McCain using the common expression "lipstick on a pig"...long before Obama did.

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