Do I seem obsessed? Well, golly gee darnit (wink wink), the fate of the American nation, nay, the fate of the world, hangs on the outcome of this election, and yet the will of the people may well be subverted by the well-oiled machine of disenfranchisement and stolen elections--the Repugnican Party and it's henchmen. But scarier still is what the bizarre popularity of Sarah Palin among certain circles says about us (or those of us, at least, who are so stoked about her). Sometimes we get what we ask for...and there are some among us, who want (bad) those meatloafy Buns o' Leadership!
People have always complained that I'm too loud. My voice carries and the result isn't always euphonious. I'm the one that you can hear all the way across the restaurant/the
bus/the lobby/the café. The one making the inappropriate remarks at the top of her voice. The one whose passionate opinions sometimes feel like a frontal assault. The one who is dying for you to be passionate and articulate enough about what you believe to convince me that I've been wrong about everything all along. I'm the one you look askance at sometimes when you think that I'm not looking. The one you sometimes wish was you. The one that you're mostly grateful you are not. The one who is called toward the great demotic flood of pedestrian humanity and the extraordinariness of the ordinary. The one who craves idealistic purity but lives with my hands dirty up the elbows with gorgeous quotidian life. The one who gets involved with all the wrong people, takes home strays, adopts lost causes, makes poor judgments, says all the wrong things and rages against disappointment because I've sworn to live with the consequences and to live without regret. Growing up meant realizing that this was going to be difficult.
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